Erinnerung:  Zhang Ke 章可 (Fudan University) – Inventing Humanism in Modern China

Zhang Ke

Appearing as early as 1900s, both Rendao zhuyi and Renwen zhuyi are the Chinese renderings of humanism. For the Chinese intellectuals during the Late Qing and Early Republican period, these two terms represented a modern value of humanity and human dignity but have different implications. Rendao zhuyi once gained tremendous popularity among the May-Fourth scholars, but later Renwen zhuyi rose and entailed a strong criticism of Rendao zhuyi. This lecture will discuss the different translations of humanism and the associated controversies. Further, it will delineate the four stages of the invention of humanism in modern China.

Ort: Raum 00.112, Artilleriestraße 70, 91052 Erlangen
Zeit: Mi 29.05, 18–20 Uhr (c.t.)

Ke ZHANG 章可 is an Associate Professor in the department of History at Fudan University, China. He also serves as associate directors of the International Center for Studies of Chinese Civilizaiton (ICSCC) and the Asia Research Center (ARC) at Fudan. He received his Ph.D. from Fudan University in 2009. His research interests include modern Chinese intellectual history, conceptual history and the global history of cultural exchange.

He is the author of The Conceptual History of  ‚Humanism‘ in Modern China,1901-1932 (2015, in Chinese), the editor of The Transformations of Ideas and Knowledge in Modern China (2018, in Chinese), and the co-editor of The Production of Knowledge and the Politics of Culture in Modern China (2014, in Chinese), and Stray Birds on the Huangpu: A History of Indians in Shanghai (2018, Bilingual, English and Chinese). He has published more than fifty articles in various journals, edited volumes and other books.